!!JeNnAz PaGeZ!!
FrIeNdZ | QuOtEs | ~*~CeLeBeRiTiEs~*~ | *Me* | !*LiNkZ*! | !*TaLk To Me*! | !*MaH pEtZ*!


Hey, my name is Jenna, im from South Dakota and i love sports such as basketball, and track. In my family i hav a older sister, Tina , shes 22, and i hav a older brother, Jasion hes 30, and then i hav my mom,47, and dad,47. I love cats, i hav 5 of them, i hav 5 horses, 1 bird, 2 dorf hamsterz, 1 guinea pig, and around 50 chickens/ducks/geese!!

I wanted a webpage bcuz it seems lyk every one else has one so i had to hav one too!


whatz new?¿

some new thing i hav done to my web pages:

5/3/04 - started my pages
5/4/04 - fineshed my pages

plz tell me if i need to change anythinng on my page!